
Written by sing in 线下引流 on 周四 02 五月 2024.


我们专注于为线下提供引流利器,运用AI互动技术 - 适用展会、商城、广告、店铺 - 用AI和互动给线下带来流量 - 接受定制,如果贵司有什么 …

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Written by sing in 学习 on 周日 20 八月 2023.


在windows上安装tensorflow-gpu,安装不上,一直提示 setuptools.extern.packaging.requirements.InvalidRequirement: Expected end or semicolon (after name and no valid version specifier) python_version>"3.7", 只安装了tensorflow=2.1.3,这里是成功的 但tf默认是没开启GPU的,可 …

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Buddha bead

Written by sing in chinazen on 周五 05 八月 2022.

One day the Buddha held a Buddha bead in his hand and asked the five heavenly kings, "What color is this bead?" The five heavenly kings said that there are various colors such as green, red, yellow, etc. The Buddha hid the beads in his sleeves, raised his hand and …

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