
Written by sing in 正念冥想 on 周六 30 七月 2022.
  • 盲眼食物静观:在团体治疗当中,学习觉察的学员暂时闭上眼睛,由主导觉察的医事人员,发给一个可以食用的食物(最典型 …

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Written by sing in 正念冥想 on 周四 28 七月 2022.

冥想(英语:Meditation),心性锻炼法,在瑜伽里经常使用的,在佛教、道教中则称为打坐、坐禅。大致可分为两种作法,第一为将注意力集中 …

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How to be a Buddha

Written by sing in chinazen on 周六 23 七月 2022.

How to be a Buddha

When the master began to live in the temple, there was a female monk named “Shen Lai”, wearing a hat and clinging to a scepter, walked around the master a few times, and said, “What is the Tao?, when I said it, I took off …

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Written by sing in chinazen on 周六 23 七月 2022.

How can grinding bricks become a mirror The young monk “Tao Yi”, meditated in Hengyue Mountain to learn Buddhism. The master knew that he was a life that could be cultivated, and asked “Tao Yi”: Why do you meditate. “Tao Yi” said: I want to be a Buddha The master …

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Written by sing in chinazen on 周六 23 七月 2022.

Eat hungry

Zen Master Lingyou was preaching at the temple, the temple accountant was knocking on the wooden fish, and the chef suddenly clapped his hands and laughed. Zen Master Lingyou asked: “What are you doing?” The chef said, “I am hungry without eating, so I am happy.” Lingyou nodded …

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Written by sing in chinazen on 周二 02 六月 2020.

Who is binding you

有沙弥道信,年始十四,来礼师曰:“愿和尚慈悲,乞与解脱法门。”师曰:“谁缚汝?”曰:“无人缚。”师曰: “何更求解脱乎?”信于言下大 …

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Written by sing in chinazen on 周二 02 六月 2020.

The Story of Fish King


印度有一个鱼的故事。鱼问鱼王:“什么是海?”,鱼王说:“海在你生活的地方,海在你身体内,也在你的身体 …

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Written by sing in 正念冥想 on 周三 27 五月 2020.


  • 不管你喜不喜欢这件事,你都要全情投入去做。即使你真不喜欢这件事,接受你不喜欢这件事的事实。明白你不喜 …

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Written by sing in 正念冥想 on 周三 27 五月 2020.


一个老和尚问弟子们,如果去山上砍树,正好面前有两棵树,一棵粗,另一棵细,会砍哪一棵? 老和尚问:“如果你去山上 …

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