How to be a Buddha

How to be a Buddha

When the master began to live in the temple, there was a female monk named “Shen Lai”, wearing a hat and clinging to a scepter, walked around the master a few times, and said, “What is the Tao?, when I said it, I took off the hat. “After asking three times, the master couldn’t answer. The female monk was about to leave. The master said: “It’s so late, so let’s stay here first”, The female monk said: “What is Tao?” The master could not answer. After the female monk left, the master sighed, “I still have a lot of things I don’t understand.” The master had a dream at night and said in the dream that a bodhisattva would come to teach you After more than ten days, Zen Master Tianlong came to the temple. The master told the female monk’s teacher to Zen Master Tianlong. Zen Master Tianlong raised his index finger. The master suddenly Enlightenment. From then on, whenever there was a question about the Dharma, the master always raised his index finger. The master had a student, and he also learned that the master asked about the Dharma, and raised his index finger. The master hid a knife in his arms and came to the students. The master asked the students: “How to be a Buddha” The student raised his index finger, and the master cut off the student’s index finger with a knife. The student cried out The master stopped the students, and the master asked: “How is a Buddha?” The student raised his index finger again, the index finger was gone, and the student suddenly Enlightenment.

• 初住庵时,有尼名实际来,戴笠子,执锡,绕师三匝,曰:“道得即下笠子。”如是三问,师皆无对。尼便去,师曰:“日势稍晚,何不且住?”尼曰:“道得即住。”师又无对。尼去后,师叹曰:“我虽处丈夫之形,而无丈夫之气,不如弃庵,往诸方参寻知识去。”其夜山神告曰: “不须离此,将有肉身菩萨来为和尚说法也。”逾旬,果天龙和尚到庵。师乃迎礼,具陈前事。龙竖一指示之,师当下大悟。 自此凡有学者参问,师唯举一指,无别提倡。有一供过童子,每见人问事,亦竖指祗对。人谓师曰:“和尚! 童子亦会佛法,凡有问皆如和尚竖指。”师一日潜袖刀子,问童曰:“闻你会佛法,是否?”童曰:“是。”师曰:“如何是佛?”童竖起指头。师以刀断其指,童叫唤走出。师召童子,童回首。师曰:“如何是佛?”童举手不见指头,豁然大悟。

Written by sing on 周六 23 七月 2022.