
How can grinding bricks become a mirror The young monk “Tao Yi”, meditated in Hengyue Mountain to learn Buddhism. The master knew that he was a life that could be cultivated, and asked “Tao Yi”: Why do you meditate. “Tao Yi” said: I want to be a Buddha The master took a brick and polished it in front of him. “Tao Yi” asks: What does grinding brick do? The master answered: make a mirror “Tao Yi” said: How can grinding bricks become a mirror The master say: Grinding bricks cannot be a mirror, how can meditating become a Buddha?

开元中有沙门道一,在衡岳山常习坐禅。师知是法器,往问曰:“大德坐禅图甚么?”一曰:“图作佛。”师乃取一砖,于彼庵前石上磨。 一曰:“磨作甚么?”师曰:“磨作镜。”一曰:“磨砖岂得成镜邪?”师曰:“磨砖既不成镜,坐禅岂得作佛?”……

小和尚“道一”,在衡岳山中打坐学习佛法,师傅知道他是个可以培养的人生,问“道一”:你为什么打坐。 “道一”回答:想成为佛 师傅于是取了一砖,在他面前磨砖。 “道一”问:磨砖做什么 师傅回答:做镜子 “道一”说:磨砖怎么能成为镜子 师傅回答:磨砖不能成为镜子,打坐怎么能成为佛

Written by sing on 周六 23 七月 2022.